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On the sideline of the just concluded 42nd PAPU Administrative Council, African women in various postal positions came together with an aim to address the unique challenges and opportunities within the postal sector, fostering collaboration and empowerment across the continent.

The Pan African Postal Union (PAPU) headquarters was abuzz with excitement as African women leaders from across the continent converged for an extraordinary mission: to draft a comprehensive Gender Equality and Empowerment plan for women in the postal sector in Africa.

The Assistant General Secretary of the Pan African Postal Union Ms. Jessica Hope Ssengooba set the tone of the meeting stating that women should be at the center of shaping the future of the postal industry in Africa.

“We need a brighter postal future, a future where gender equality is not just an ideal but a reality as most of the underserved communities by postal services are women,” she stated.

The brainstorming session was a whirlwind of ideas and strategies on how to offer mentorship programs, leadership training to policy changes and workplace culture shifts within the African Postal sector.

“Mentorship can provide guidance and support, helping women navigate their careers and achieve their goals while creating networks and platform for women to share their experiences, support each other, and advocate for change,” she explained.

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